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Sup Jagung Ayam Telur ala Resep Koki

Kemarin kami baru saja memasak sup ayam jagung telur untuk keluarga. Pada saat itu kami coba-coba cari resep sup jagung ayam di Google, tetapi resepnya pada ‘ngaco’ semua. So, coba kumpulkan beberapa resep sebagai rujukan untuk di modif, jadilah resep sup jagung ala resepkoki ini. Rasanya lezaat loh, semua pada suka. Selamat mencoba!


- Daging ayam ( bagian dada )
- Jagung Manis 2 buah ( di pipil )
- Buncis 10 buah ( iris kotak )
- Wortel 1 buah ( iris kotak )
- Telur 2 butir ( kocok agar tercampur)
- Sosis ayam 2 buah ( iris kotak )


- Bawang bombay ( 1 buah ) iris halus
- Bawang putih ( 6 siung ) iris halus
- Daun bawang ( 1 helai ) iris bagian batangnya saja
- Mentega ( 1 sdt )
- Kaldu ayam bubuk ( 1 sdt )
- Garam secukupnya
- Merica ( lada ) secukupnya
- Maizena ( tepung jagung ) 1 sdt
- Air 1500ml

Cara Membuat:

  1. Rebus ayam dalam 1500ml air sampai matang , keluarkan ayam nya dan iris kotak, lalu masukan kembali irisan ayam dan jagung ke dalam kaldu rebusan ayam.
  2. Sambil menunggu jagung yang direbus matang, panaskan wajan dan masukan mentega dan tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih sampai harum. Lalu masukan Wortel dan Buncis yang telah di iris, lalu masukan daun bawang.
  3. Setelah tumisan matang, masukan tumisan tersebut kedalam rebusan jagung dan ayam tersebut, lalu masukan sosis , masukan merica, garam , dan kaldu bubuk Royco.
  4. Setelah itu masukan telur sambil di aduk perlahan, agar telur terurai. Setelah itu masukan tepung maizena yg telah di campur dengan air.
  5. Setelah itu aduk perlahan agar semua bumbu tercampur dengan rata dan tutup panci tersebut selama -/+ 10mnt agar soup tersebut matang.
  6. Setelah matang, matikan api dan “Soup Jagung Telur” siap di hidangkan.

Resep Pulot Udang

pulut udang
pulut udang
  • 500 gram beras ketan
  • 150 ml santan dari ½ butir kelapa, didihkan
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1 lembar daun pandan, simpul
  • 150 gram elapa parut
  • 100 gram udang peci, kupas, cincang
  • 3 sdm minyak untuk menumis
  • 1 sdm ketumbar
  • 3 buah cabai merah keriting
  • 2 cm jahe
  • 3 cm kunyit
  • 2 batang serai, iris tipis bagian putihnya
  • 1 cm lengkuas
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1 sdt gula pasir

  • 4 lembar daun jeruk purut, buang tulang daunnya, iris halus
  • Daun pisang untuk membungkus
    1. cuci beras ketan, rendam selama 2 jam. Tiriskan. Kukus beras ketan selama 20 menit, angkat dan tempatkan dalam panci. Tuang santan panas kedalamnya, aduk sampai santan terserap. Kukus ketan kmbali sampai matang. Angkat.
    2. tumbuk kelapa parut dan udang sampai halus. Sisihkan. Panaskan minyak, tumus bumbu yang dihaluskan sampai harum. Masukkan udang dan kelapa tumbuk. Beri irisan daun jeruk purut, kemudian masak sambil diaduk dengan menggunakan api kecil sampai berwarna kuning kecokelatan. angkat.
    3. ambil 2 sendok makan ketan hangat, pulung-pulung dan beri sedikit isian kelapa udang. Bungkus dengan daun pisang menyerupai lemper. Panggang/garang pulut udang di atas bar pi sampai harum.

Pulot Panggang Kuah Boh Drien

Persaingan warung kopi di Aceh tidak hanya fasilitas hot spot gratis dan tontonan pertandingan sepak bola liga dunia tapi juga racikan kopi yang disajikan serta penganan pendamping minum kopi salahsatunya “pulot panggang kuah boh drien”.Makanan ini terdiri dari beras pulut yang dipanggang dinikmati  dengan kolak durian yang diberi santan, ehm luar biasa nikmatnya apalagi bila dinikmati saatmusim hujan.
Pebisnis warung kopi di Aceh selain menyajikan kopi tradisional juga menyediakan berbagai sajian racikan kopi dengan menambah bahan lain seperti susu, telur dan krim untuk menambah cita rasa kopi  yang berbeda dan bisa dinikmati berbagai kalangan terutama anak muda. Seperti kopi sanger yang terdiridari kopi , susu yang dikocok terlebih dahulu bisa diminum panas atau dingin dan pachetto , kopi dicampur susu dan krim dengan komposisi tertentu, ada pula kopi latte, Americano, Black Cofffe, ekspresso dan berbagai nama lainnya jelas Fauzi pemasaran salah satu kopi bermerk di Aceh.
Dalam rangka menyambut Visit Aceh year 2013, Pemerintah Kota banda Aceh menyelenggarakan Aceh  food and Coffee festival selama 5 hari mulai 31 Oktober hingga 4 Nopember di taman Sari Banda Aceh yang merupakan arena bermain anak-anak disulap menjadi warung kopi.
Dengan mengangkat tema ”Citarasa Kopi Ku raja untuk dunia” bermaksud agar orang punya pandangan yang berbeda tentang Aceh. Kita ingin Aceh terkenal dengan apa yang dimiliknya salah satunya budaya minum kopi, kata Walikota Banda Aceh, Ir Mawardy Nurdin saat ngopi disalah satu stand peserta usai membuka balap kopi  ,Minggu { 4/11/2012) di taman sari Banda Aceh.
Budaya minum kopi telah melekat erat dimasyarakat kita tidak hanya masyarakat Aceh tapi sudah mendunia. Sehingga membuka peluang besar bisnis kopi di Aceh salah satunya bisnis warung kopi dan produk kopi siap saji.
Bisnis kopi peluang yang menjanjikan apa lagi tren penikmat kopi Aceh sudah berubah seiring perkembangan. Dimana dulu penikmat kopi hanya menikmati kopi racikan tradisional berbahan baku kopi Robusta. Kini sebagian penikmat kopi beralih ke kopi original , kopi yang digongseng tanpa campuran yang umumnya menggunakan kopi Arabika. Saat ini ada  40 persen penikmat kopi yang beralih menikmati kopi original dengan tidak meninggalkan racikan tradisional .
Tingginya minat petani bercocok tanam kopi di Aceh sangat beralasan karena budidayanya tidak sulit dan bisa tumbuh hampr di seluruh dataran di Indonesia dan yang sudah menduniaya itu kopi dataran tinggi gayo, Kabupaten  Aceh Tengah dan Kabupaten Bener Meriah Provinsi Aceh.
Kopi Gayo Speciality berhasil meraih nilai tertinggi yang memiliki cita rasa prima melalui tes uji cita rasa pada lelang kopi dunia dua tahu lalu di Provinsi Bali. Sehingga pemilik kebun kopi di dua Kabupaten itu saat ini bukanhanya petani tapi juga Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan Pengusaha kata

Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pengetahuan Masyarakat

2.1.1        Pendidikan
Pendidikan adalah suatu proses yang unsurnya terdiri dari masukan (input) yaitu sasaran pendidikan (output) yaitu suatu bentuk perilaku dan kemampuan dari saran-saran pendidikan. Tujuan pendidikan untuk mengubah perilaku masyarakat yang tidak sehat menjadi sehat (Notoatmodjo, 2007).
Pendidikan dalam arti formal sebenarnya adalah suatu proses penyampaian bahan atau materi pendidikan oleh pendidikan kepada sasaran pendidikan guna mencapai perubahan tingkah laku, misalnya dalam memelihara kesehatan bila pendidikan rendah pengetahuan tentang hidup sehat belum dipahami dengan baik (Notoatmodjo, 2003).
Menurut Notoatmodjo (2003), pendidikan dibagi atas dua kategori yaitu :
a.         Pendidikan tinggi     :    SLTA/ sederajat Diploma III dan perguruan tinggi/ sederajat
b.        Pendidikan dasar     :    SD dan SLTP/ sederajat
Untuk kepentingan analisis maka tingkat pendidikan dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok (Tawi , 2013) :
a.     Tinggi, bila berpendidikan SMA/Perguruan Tinggi/Sederajat
b.     Rendah, bila berpendidikan SD/SMP/Sederajat
Tingkat pendidikan seseorang sangat erat kaitannya dengan baik atau tidaknya penyajian menu makanan, karena hal ini sangat mempengaruhi pola pikir dan perilaku hidup sehat keluarga tersebut dalam penyajian menu makanan dalam keluarga dan dalam memelihara kesehatan, bila pendidikan rendah pengetahuan tentang cara hidup sehat juga akan berpengaruh (Muklis, 2011).

2.1.2        Pekerjaan
Pekerjaan adalah perbuatan yang dilakukan secara terang-terangan dan tidak terputus-putus dalam kedudukan tertentu. Jenis pekerjaan dapat berperan di dalam timbulnya penyakit melalui beberapa jalan, yakni : adanya faktor lingkungan yang langsung dapat menimbulkan kesakitan seperti bahan-bahan kimia, gas beracun, radiasi, benda-benda fisik yang dapat menimbulkan kecelakaan dan situasi pekerjaan yang penuh dengan stress (Notoatmodjo, 2003).
Ada beberapa jenis pekerjaan yaitu :
a.       Pekerjaan Dinas Pemerintah yang melayani rakyat misalnya : Pencatat Sipil, pencatatan perkawinan, peradilan kepolisian dan lain-lain.
b.      Pekerjaan Wiraswasta atau wirausaha yaitu pekerjaan yang mampu menghadirkan pekerjaan bagi dirinya sendiri dan juga orang lain.
c.       Pekerjaan bidang pertanian atau banyak dikembangkan dalam lingkungan seperti pertanian tanaman pangan dan hortikultura.
d.      Pekerjaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang sering dikaitkan dengan lingkungan rumah dan sekitar halaman atau disebut juga pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga. (Ningsih, 2007).
Adapun jenis pekerjaan dapat berperan didalam timbulnya penyakit melalui beberapa yakni :
a.       Situasi pekerjaan yang penuh dengan stres (yang telah dikenal sebagai faktor yang berperan pada timbulnya hypertensi, ulcus lambung).
b.      Ada tidaknya “gerak badan” di dalam pekerjaan, di Amerika Serikat ditunjukkan bahwa penyakit jantung kroner sering ditemukan dikalangan mereka yang mempunyai pekerjaan yang mana kurang adanya “gerak badan”.
c.      Penyakit karena cacing tambang telah lama diketahui terkait dengan pekerjaan ditambang (Notoatmodjo, 2003).
Untuk keperluan analisis, maka pekerjaan digolongkan ke dalam 2 kategori yaitu :
a.                   Bekerja, yaitu dalam arti luas dapat diartikan dengan melakukan suatu kegiatan sedangkan dalam arti sempit yaitu melakukan suatu kegiatan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu atau uang. Banyak sekali yang mendorong manusia untuk bekerja. Salah satunya adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Orang giat bekerja karena ada hal yang ingin mereka peroleh salah satunya yang sangat penting adalah UANG. Dimana di zaman yang serba sulit sekarang ini orang berlomba-lomba bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan uang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup.Yaaa,,,jika perlu memperoleh uang lebih untuk bisa menjadi tabungan untuk masa depan.

b.                Tidak bekerja, yaitu tidak mampu atau tidak ada aktifitas untuk menghasilkan uang atau dapat disimpulkan dengan pengguran
2.1.3        Sumber Informasi
Sumber Informasi adalah keterangan pemberitahuan kabar berita tentang suatu media dan alat (sarana) kemunikasi seperti koran, majalah, radio, TV, poster, spanduk dan internet. Berkaitan dengan penyediaan informasi bagi manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan, informasi diperoleh harus berkualitas (Tugiman, 2005).
Sumber informasi dibagi menjadi 2 katagori yaitu (Dachlia, 2000) :
a.       Cukup jika responden menjawab ≥ 3 dari sumber informasi.
b.      Kurang jika responden menjawab < 3 dari sumber informasi.

Typical food Aceh

Aceh has a variety of traditional foods, such as:

Chicken Catch

Overview chicken catching this as makananan the garbage is covered by foliage as ranging from all sorts of leaves in it, but the fried chicken seasoning blend this one can be addictive.
Temurui leaves mixed with processed chicken meat is making you taste more delicious. Eaten with sambal marijuana spicy fresh sour siangkali would make this meal more special.Pieces of chicken meat that has been seasoned and fried fragrant smelling fragrant lezat.Aroma rise from leaves that are mixed into the catch chickens. The leaves such as curry or temurui leaf, pandan leaves, lime leaves and lemon grass leaves that have been chopped coarse fried until dry.Eating chicken Aceh typical catch is most fitting to the chili pot. Yak, sauce made from a mixture of star fruit vegetables, chili pepper, onion, which can indeed make smooth diuleg addictive like marijuana.


The main dishes are made using spices such pungent cloves, cinnamon, deaf, cardamom processing is typical cuisine of Aceh. Cuisine reddish brown obtained from a combination of spices and the use of fresh red chilli.

Mie Aceh

Mie Aceh is a spicy noodle dish typical of Aceh in Indonesia. Thick yellow noodles with sliced ​​beef, mutton or seafood (shrimp and calamari) served in a soup kind of savory and spicy curry. Mie Aceh available in two types, Aceh Mie Goreng (fried and dry) and Aceh Noodle Soup (soup). Usually sprinkled with fried onions and served with chips, onion chunks, cucumber, and lime.

Kanji Rumbi

Rumbi starch slurry is typical cuisine of Aceh, one that is often found in the month of Ramadan. Basic ingredients of rice and onions mixed with Pree, leaf soup, chicken, shrimp, carrots, and add cooking kentang.Untuk manambah menu there are also people outside your existing menu, in the form of leaves with a mixed leaf pegaga more nutritious vitamins, of course, the addition of pegaga leaf is also excellent for kesehatan.Biasanya porridge is cooked in a big pot and eaten together local people to break their fast.
Cake Timpan

Timpan is a kind of snack originally from Aceh. Ingredients to make timpan made of flour, banana, and coconut milk. All material is then stirred until chewy. Then it is elongated and filled with srikaya. Then after that the content of this dough wrapped in banana leaves and steamed (boiled without water soaked).

Recipe Dalca Aceh (Beef)

150 grams of beef, cut into pieces
150 grams of beef ribs, cut into pieces
1 stick carrot, cut into pieces
100 grams of potatoes, cut into pieces
75 grams of eggplant purple (not peeled)
4 green chilies, left whole
50 grams of green beans, cut into 5 cm
3 tablespoons oil for sauteing
½ onion, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
3 cm ginger, crushed
5 cm cinnamon
8 cardamom pods
10 grains of cloves
5 pieces of curry leaves / temurui
1 sheet of pandan leaves
1 tomato, cut four

Spices that are:
6 grains of red onion
3 cloves of garlic
10 pieces of red chili
1 teaspoon coriander, toasted
½ tsp cumin
1 tsp fennel
½ tsp pepper grains
Nutmeg ½
1 ½ liters of water
salt to taste

How to make:
Heat oil and saute onion, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, curry leaves and pandan leaves until fragrant. Add spice paste and tomatoes.
Insert meat and beef ribs. Stir until meat is stiff. Pour water and salt. Cook until the meat is half cooked. Add the carrots, potatoes, green peppers, and eggplant purple. Cook until the vegetables and meat cooked.



Peanuts, fried, mashed,
cassava leaves
Shrimp, boiled
Half the young coconut [oil for ointment], shredded
Ground red pepper
acid Sunti

How to:

- All vegetables washed, boiled and set aside.
- Red and white onion and ground ginger, mix with grated coconut and red chillies urab, add boiled shrimp, finely minced
- Put Sunti acid and salt
- Stir the peanuts are crushed
- Serve with vegetables that have been prepared, it can be mixed well, it may not.

Benefits of Spicy Food

Benefits of Spicy Food
7 Do you know the benefits of spicy food? Spicy foods may be the favorite of most people, but there are also people who do not like spicy food. People who do not like spicy food when the stomach is usually due to fear of pain, or have had a disease that doctors recommend should not eat spicy food. But behind the spicy food turns out there are good benefits for our bodies.
1. Smooth breathingSpicy foods act like espektoran and help people with asthma, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, and other respiratory diseases breathe better.
2. Keeping the moodRed pepper increases the level of endorphins and serotonin which relieve pain and give a feeling of comfort. This hormone can act like fighting stress and depression.
3. AnticancerMany studies show regular consumption of spicy foods will reduce the risk of cancer. Capsaicin slows the growth of cancer cells and in many cases die of cancer cells without harming surrounding healthy cells.
4. Improving digestive functionBenefit chili in the gastrointestinal tract is to increase the circulation of blood in the stomach and increase the mucus layer. Capsaicin also helps to kill the bacteria H. pylori causes stomach ulcers.However, if you experience heartburn (a burning sensation) after eating spicy, try antiacid tablet which will neutralize the acid in the stomach.
5. Eliminate Symptoms of FluCapsaicin helps increase transpiration and eliminate the annoying symptoms of flu. Spicy foods will also help open the airway, reduces sinusitis, and other flu symptoms.
6. Healthy heartChili healthy heart by preventing blood clots. Research also shows levels of bad cholesterol / LDL prevents oxidation which can cause blockage of blood vessels.Capsaicin is also effective against inflammation, which has been identified as a risk factor for heart disease.
7. Lose weightChili contains capsaicin which will speed up your metabolism and help the body burn calories faster. This happens because capsaicin increases your body temperature and plays a role in increasing the heart rate.Furthermore, studies show people who like to eat spicy usually eat in small portions so the weight is more awake.

Martabak Eggs Recipe

Resep Martabak Telor
Martabak Eggs Recipe
Recipes Indonesia this time is martabak egg. There are two types martabak circulating in Indonesia. First martabak both sweet and salty martabak. Martabak salty (savory) are usually basic ingredients are eggs so often called martabak egg. The difference lies in the other egg martabak skin made as thin as possible with a more varied field.
Here is a wide variety of recipes martabak egg that you can use to try this recipe. Hopefully useful yes BundaSelamat try martabak telornya recipe.Crepes recipe egg
Leather Material Martabak egg:

100 grams of wheat flour
boiled water to taste
2 tablespoons beaten egg off (taken from the contents of the egg to the dough)
1 tbsp oil / liquid margarine
salt to taste
Material Content Martabak egg:

300 g of ground beef
1 sliced ​​leeks, while sauteing minced meat mixed
4 scallions sliced
6 tablespoons sliced ​​onions
4 garlic, mashed
1 tsp curry powder
6 eggs
pepper and salt to taste.
Martabak egg Sauce:

2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon tamarind water
salt & sugar to taste (optional)
1 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tablespoon bottled chili sauce (can be substituted sliced ​​green chillies)
sliced ​​cucumber
2 tablespoons of boiled water
How to Make Skin Martabak egg:

Mix the flour with the oil / liquid margarine, eggs and salt, add water gradually until dough is smooth while diuleni.
Divide the dough into 2 sections, round and soak it with oil.
Let stand for 1-2 hours. For 1 hour of the dough should be submerged in oil, for the next 1 hour lift the dough is still smeared with oil placed in the container / bowl, and cover with a cloth / napkins
How to Create Content Martabak egg:

Saute onion, garlic until fragrant, put ground beef, curry powder, pepper, sliced ​​1 stalk of green onion and salt.
Stir until the meat was overcooked and the water coming out of the ground meat shrinks. Lift. Set aside, for a second part.
Beat 4 eggs (already taken 2 tablespoons to the mixture to make a dough skin), make a half-baked scrambled. Set aside., Divided into 2 parts.
How to Make Martabak egg sauce:
Mix all sauce ingredients together.

Take 1 piece of skin dough, flatten with your palm under the thumb of a circular direction, so a bit wide. Grasp both ends of the dough, turn from the left to right back in place the original repetitive so that the dough into a thin (you can also run over-roller).
Take a bowl, fill it with 1 piece of beaten eggs, ground beef, scrambled eggs, sliced ​​2 leeks, salt, pepper. Stir. For the dough a second skin, working the same way that the first batter skin, as well as to its contents.
Heat the oil in a rather large flat pan, put dough skin is thinned. Fill the center with the dough in the bowl before, fold the edges of the skin towards the center, to shut, fry until cooked. Lift. Serve hot / warm with sauce.
Recipe for: 2 pieces martabak Special Eggs (6 slices / pieces)

Gelatin Recipes Rich Sari

Gelatin Recipes Rich Sari

Sri rich is actually a fruit native to Indonesia, but do not imagine Gelatin-rich juice that we will make use of fruit. The main ingredient of gelatin-rich juice is ready to use Powder For many traditional market sale, so mothers do not have to worry that making gelatin-rich juice was tough.

Well, mothers try recipes snacks rich gelatinous extract below, who knows add insight and fun family time when leisure.
Gelatinous material rich sari

     1 package (11 ounces) ready-made jelly
     2 whole chicken egg, beaten
     1 cup / 200 g sugar finely sliced
     1 cup / 200 g coconut water
     1 packet of vanilla
     1/2 tsp salt

How to make gelatin rich sari

     Boil sugar with 2 cups of water, then remove and strain.
     Mix the sugar water and agar-agar, boiled until boiling.
     Enter the beaten eggs, milk, salt and vanilla stir well, remove from heat.
     Pour in a pudding mold, let it cool and then cut into pieces according to taste

Recipe Sambal Beard

Sauce or condiment is never separated from the cuisine of Indonesia. There are of course variations of sauce that we can meet, one of which is the chili recipe below beard. The origin of the beard is not as refined culinary Indonesia was created by a bearded man, but the sauce is made ​​from coconut base. Hmm, curious mother Sambel Beard's recipe? Cekidot chili recipe follows:
The basic ingredients of sauce beard

     1/2 coconuts a bit old

Seasoning sauce beard

     3 cloves of garlic
     5 chili
     1 vertebra finger kencur
     2 tbsp brown sugar
     2 tbsp tempeh semangit
     1 tsp salt

How to make chili beard

     Clean the coconut husk, grate
     Puree all ingredients, then mix with coconut and stir well. Then steamed until cooked, remove and serve.

Know the contents SHRIMP ball

Tofu balls, can be presented to the menu dishes and school supplies for children of putrianda. Know and balls with no sauce can also be used as a casual evening meal


     2 pcs tofu, destroyed.
     200 grams of peeled shrimp, dicingcang.
     2 cloves garlic puree
     Onion 1 clove
     Pepper 1 tsp
     Salt, sugar to taste.
     Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
     1 clove garlic crushed
     Corn starch to thicken.

How to cook:

     Boil the water out until boiling, remove and drain. then squeezed out and squeeze. Until there is no water left.
     minced shrimp
     Garlic puree, onion meraah, pepper, salt, sugar
     Mixed know, shrimp and garlic, salt, sugar, stir for a flat balls. (forms can be made as attractive as possible)
     Fried balls with plenty of oil until browned, set aside.
     Make the sauce: reserving 1 tablespoon oil saute the crushed garlic until yellowish, enter the oyster sauce, add a little water, sugar, wait until boiling then Thicken with corn starch.
     Serve balls set out on a plate sprinkle with green onions, pour the sauce.

Pepes Anchovy Typical ACEH

Hmmmm steady this time spiced favorite .. me n family ..
While it could've made ​​ndiri but teteup wrote submissions from parents directly from Aceh still better .. hell out sip ...

I share this recipe .. my mama flagship restaurant in Aceh there ..

heck sometimes I just cemplung-cemplung alone, did not have a definite dose .. but still good ..

- 250 grams of anchovies wet, clean, love the lime juice salt n let not fishy
-2 Tbsp cooking oil
-7 Curly green chillies, sliced ​​oblique rather large
-5 Starfruit, sliced ​​oblique
-6 Young citrus leaves, discard the bones of his middle, finely sliced
-2 Serei rod, take putinya wrote, thinly sliced
Banana leaf-buds / young to wrap

Subtle Seasonings:
-5 Curly red chili
-8 Cayenne pepper
-5 Onion
-2 White bw
-handful Sunti acid, approximately 11-15 seeds deh
-2 Cm turmeric
-1 Segment ginger

How to make:
1. Teri on the coat of lime juice n salt.
2. mix all remaining ingredients .. n all the spices mix well.
3. insert a little salt 1/4-1/2 teaspoon .. kira2
4. then wrap with banana leaf shoots (young)
5. roasted in a pan until cooked.

Recipe Bu Leumak Aceh

Bu Leumak is typical cuisine of Aceh. Bu means rice, Leumak means fat. While other regions also have yellow rice, it's not the same as bu leumak Aceh. Characteristic of this recipe is more pronounced marinade. Our whole family is very fond of this recipe. It's wonderful served during cold weather or when it is raining. This recipe is based on the experience you know, and servings for 5 people.


Rice 2 muq (about 4 ounces)

Spices that are:

Onion 5 cloves
Garlic 2 siungin
Ginger 1/2 knuckles
Pepper powder 1/2 tsp
1 tbsp coriander
Turmeric 2 knuckles
Extra spice:

1 stick of crushed ginger
Cloves 3 eggs
Bay leaves 2 pieces
Pandan leaves 1/2 sheet (if not it's okay)
Keluwang (Bungong mace Kleng, Bahasa Aceh), which looks like a star herb commonly used as fragrance meat dishes
Coconut milk from half coconut (two cups)

How to:

Washed rice, drain, add salt, spices and seasonings added, stir and pour the coconut milk. Cook until slightly dry, then steamed.
Can also be cooked use a rice cooker, but the dose used in accordance coconut water so the rice does not cook plain hard or mushy.

Side dishes for Mom can be a tauco Leumak green chilli prawns, anchovies peanut sauce, fried chicken, and others.

Good luck!

Typical snacks Aceh Pidie


Noodles as a culinary caluk Aceh Acehnese often spoofed as spagetti Aceh. Apart form that resembles a stick, round and taste is very delicious plot. Caluk noodles or noodle sticks Aceh enjoyed using peanut sauce mixed in it or use a red sauce that is not too thick. In the presentation, noodles plain caluk soup accompanied with a sauce of Aceh.In addition to the soup, noodles with mixed vegetables also enjoyed: like leaves ubie, or material pecal.
"Noodle Caluk" different from Aceh noodle fried or boiled. Caluk noodles are also a favorite food for the people of Aceh noodle using a sauce or peanut sauce. The materials used for making noodles rempahan caluk also use the material, so that the taste and aroma are very distinctive and seductive. Caluk noodles are usually much gained in the region of Aceh Pidie. While noodles are now easily available caluk anywhere, but still noodles caluk Pidie acquired much better.


300 grams of goat meat, cut into pieces
3 bay leaves
850 cc of water
250 grams of wet noodles round
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
2 red onions, thinly sliced
1 tomato, cut into pieces
30 grams of bean sprouts, remove the tail
30 grams of cabbage, sliced
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon of vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper powder
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon of cumin
1 stalk spring onion, 1 cm
Cooking oil to taste
Fried chips taste

Materials that are:

5 spring onions
3 cloves of garlic
4 pieces of red onion, seeded
1 whole cardamom


Cara membuat resep masakan kue bingkang pertama-tama kocok telur bebek dengan gula pasir sampai mengembang lalu tuang santan sambil terus diaduk. 
Beri tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit kemudian masukkan margarine cair dan aduk rata. Tuang adonan kedalam loyang yang telah diolesi dengan margarine. Panggang dalam oven sampai matang dan kue padat.

How to make cookie recipes bingkang first duck eggs whipped with sugar until fluffy then pour coconut milk, stirring constantly. Give the flour little by little and then enter the liquid margarine and mix well. Pour the batter into the baking pan that has been smeared with margarine. Bake in the oven until soft and dense cake.
Adee or bingkang Aceh is one of the typical snacks that we can meet in Pidie. It was very unique and tasty. No wonder Adee a mainstay cake that can be a gift if you stop to Pidie. Making is easy. Adee has the main ingredients are duck eggs. This duck egg whipped until fluffy, then mixed with coconut milk. After that, pour in the melted margarine have. Enter into pan or mold.

wo snacks above are the most common snacks found there. Actually, there are many other snacks that can be in the Pidie, Sigli or Berenuen, such as: thimpan, Apam Pidie, and tartar. However, these cakes can also be obtained in other areas because it is a cake cakes Aceh. Cuisine from Pidie and surrounding area had always been known to be very comfortable and have a distinctive flavor, different cakes made in the area of ​​Aceh. If eating Apam, the Apam it certainly is delicious. Similarly, tartar, tartar Pidie very unique and packaged in such a way as to look interesting. Karah I used to be more common in areas colored brown and tasted a bit bland, so delicious enjoyed with coffee or tea. However, Pidie tartar can be found in a variety of colors and very crisp when enjoyed straight * no tea or coffee *. (As soon as I have ever seen, when one of my friend took the cake from Pidie)

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